Kurnai College Campus
44 Bridle Road
Morwell, 3840
Tuesday 6:00pm – 7:30pm
Thursdays 6:00pm – 7:30pm
and Wednesday at the Regional training night in Traralgon
Pee Rhees have 2 classes, one from 4:45-5:15pm and the second from 5:15-5:45pm
Last training night for 2024: 19th December
First training night for 2025: 21st January
Note: No training on Public Holidays
Email: morwell@rheetkdvic.com.au
Phone: 0429 014 787
Scott: Scott and his family are locals to Morwell and began learning martial arts when he was 9 with his younger brother John. They started learning Bukido before transferring to Rhee Taekwondo in October 1994. The boys trained consistently at Morwell and in the surrounding towns before deciding to take a break from training in 1999.
Years later Scott visited his odd Dojang, training with new students and seeing others he used to train with achieve their black belt. He officially returned to training in 2011 with his then girlfriend, now wife Lauren. Training up to 5-6 times a week across 5 of the regions Dojangs, and occasionally traveling up to train directly under Master Rhee. He was promoted to 1st Dan in September 2012, and began teaching his own class in Newborough. Due to increasing work and family commitments, he had to stop teaching and reduced his training in June 2015.
Scott trained on an off in Gippsland and also attended classes in Geelong while he was studying at university for his new job. It wasn’t until early 2020 that he returned to consistent training, successfully promoted to 2nd Degree Black Belt in June 2021. He continued supporting other Dojang instructors before being appointed as Morwell Dojang Sabum in September 2022. Scott is dedicated to running exciting and engaging classes for all ages and abilities.
Michelle: I joined Rhee Taekwondo with my son back in 2018. We both experienced bullying at the time so we needed a Confidence Boost and to learn Self Defence. I received my 1st Dan Black belt back in 2022 and became the Pee Rhee Instrctor for the Morwell Branch 2023. I love Teaching young Children the basics of Rhee Taekwondo watching each Student grow and build confidence and knowledge and if I can help 1 child stop being bullied then I would be so proud. My dream goal is to see my Pee Rhee Students graduate from Pee Rhee’s Program to transition into Mainstream class and hopefully I will have the opportunity to witness them receiving their black belts in the future. I’m proud to introduce young ones to Taekwondo (previously known as Korean Karate) in Morwell.