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Ul=Ji Hyong : General Ul-Ji Moon Dok



The pattern Ul-Ji named after General Ul-Ji Moon Dok who defended Korea against a Tang invasion of nearly a million soldiers in 612AD.

This was the third pattern developed within the Ch’ang Hon system in about 1957 with the help of Master Han Cha Kyo.

The tactics used by General Ul-Ji Moon Dok included retreating from a superior force making them tired and without resources, and then defeating them. This tactic is celebrated with the commencement moves of the Ul-Ji Hyong.

Korean historian Sin Chae-Ho, wrote a biography of Ul-Ji Moon Dok during the Japanese occupation in the 20th Century which was used to promote Korean Nationalism. It showed Ul-Ji as a shining example of Korea’s tradition of resisting oppression. Ul-Ji remains a hero of Korea and is recognised through the second highest military medal being named after him

42 Movements

Ready: Feet shoulder width apart in basic ready stance with arms crossed in front of chest.

1. Move the left foot backwards into right forward stance whilst executing a double side fist strike to both sides.

2. Move the right foot backwards into left forward stance whilst executing  low section block with X-fists. 

3. Execute a high section X-knife hand block.

4. Next, execute a high section front knife hand strike with the right hand whilst simultaneously executing a left knife hand rising block.

5.Move the left foot into horse riding stance, facing to your left, and perform a left back hand strike to the mid-section.

6. Execute a right crescent kick to the left palm.

7. Lower the right foot into horse riding stance whilst striking the left palm with the right front elbow. Facing the opposite direction to step 5.

8. Pull both fists to the left hip.

9. Quickly follow up with a right high section back fist strike to the rear and a low section block with the left forearm.

10.Bring the left foot to the right whilst turning to your left, at the same time bringing both fists to the hips. Execute slowly.

11. Whilst keeping the fists on the hips, turn your face to your right and move the left foot over the right into a right X-stance.

12. Execute a mid-section side kick with the right foot keeping the fists on the hips.

13. Lower the right foot and step the left foot over the right into right X-stance, at the same time thrusting both elbows to the side with a double elbow strike.

14. Move the right foot out into horse riding stance and execute a double right-side thrusting punch.

15. Next, Execute a high-section right knife hand strike to the front, simultaneously with a left high section knife hand block, whilst also rising up into a straight leg stance.

16.Execute a twin knife hand block to your left whilst moving into right back stance by pivoting on the right foot.

17. Jump and spin clockwise executing a right back kick.

18. Land and move into right forward stance and execute a twin forearm block.

19.Turn to your right by bringing your left foot to your right foot, forming a close ready stance. Right fist enclosed by the left hand.

20. Jump forwards into right X-stance and execute a right high section back fist strike with the left finger belly on the right side fist.

21. Move the left foot rearwards into right forward stance whilst executing a left high section forearm block.

22. Execute a left mid-section front kick, keeping hands as in movement 21.

23. Lower the left foot into left forward stance and execute a reverse punch.

24. Move the right foot into right forward stance whilst executing a right mid-section spear hand thrust.

25. Move the left foot counter-clockwise into horse riding stance and execute a high-section left back fist strike. 

26.Pivot on the left foot, rotating 270deg counter-clockwise into right forward stance and execute a low section double outer block.

27. Execute a jumping front kick with the right foot.

28. Land into left back stance whilst executing a middle side block with an X-knife hand.

29.Move the left foot forward into right back stance executing a low section X-block with both fists. 

30. Execute a left mid-section front snap kick while also executing a middle wedging block with the inner forearms.

31. Lower the left foot into left forward stance whilst executing a twin high section vertical punch.

32. Move the right foot forwards into left fixed stance and execute a left close palm block simultaneously with a right palm strike to an opponent’s face.

33. Move the left foot forwards into right back stance executing a left mid-section lunge punch.

34. Bring the left foot back to the right, then step the right foot back into right back stance. Slide backwards maintaining back stance whilst executing twin forearm guarding block.

35. Execute a right middle turning kick.

36. Step down and execute a mid-section left back kick.

37. Lower the left foot into right back stance and execute forearm guarding block.

38. Step backwards into left back stance and execute a right rising palm block

39. Turn anti-clockwise 180 deg into right forward stance and execute a left inner forearm circular block.

40. Swivel into left forward stance and execute a right inner forearm circular block.

41. Move the left foot backwards into horse riding stance and execute a mid-section such with the left fist.

42. Execute a mid-section such with the right fist. 

Finish: Bring the left foot to the right into Ready position as used at the beginning of Ul-Ji Hyong.

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