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General Gae-Baek

Gae-Baek, after whom the pattern Gae-Baek was named,  was a famous general from the Baekje Dynasty (~18BC – 660AD), born in the South Chungcheong Province in Southern Korea.  The Kingdom of Baekje was invaded in 660AD by forces from the Silla Kingdom allied with forces from Tang China which ultimately led to the unification of the Korean peninsula. General Gae-Baek’s forces of only 5,000 troops was greatly outnumbered by Silla/Tang forces of 180,000 men but won the first 4 battles. A young Hwa-Rang warrior attempted twice to kill Gae-Baek but was himself killed, his body being returned to his father with the Silla forces by General Gae-Baek as a sign of respect for the courage shown by the Hwa-Rang warrior. Inspired by the young Hwa-Rang warrior, the Silla/Tang forces went on to surround and defeat the Baekje forces, killing Gae Baek and all his men.

Although history belongs to the victor and Baekje fell, Neo-Confuianism became popular in Korea and many years later General Gae-Baek was recognised by Korean historians for his principles of Confucianism, his patriotism and his loyalty to the King and remains a hero of the Korean people some 1,300 years after his death.

44 Movements

Ready: Feet shoulder width apart, fists in front of belt in parallel ready stance.

1. Move the right foot into right back stance and execute a mid-section X-knife-hand block.

2. Execute a right low section twisting kick, keeping hands in X-block.

3. Lower the right foot forward into right forward stance and execute a right mid-section punch.

4. Execute a left reverse punch in quick succession with movement 3.

5. Move the right foot backward into left forward stance and execute a left high-section block.

6. Quickly follow with a left low-section block.

7. Execute a high section double arc-hand block 45deg to your right whilst looking through the block.

8. Turn to 45 deg to your right and adopt a right single leg guarding stance.

9. Lower the left foot into horse riding stance and perform a left scooping palm block.

10. Quickly execute a right mid-section punch.

11. Execute a front strike with the left back fist bringing right fist to left elbow.

12. Move the right foot back to the left, turning a further 45 degrees right, taking the left foot forward into right back stance and execute knifehand guarding block.

13. Execute a low left front kick, maintaining guarding block.

14. Lower the left foot into left forward stance and execute a left high section spear hand thrust. 

15. Quickly followup with a right high section reverse spear hand thrust.

16. Execute a right mid-section side kick, simultaneously pulling hands back.

17. Lower the right foot into right back stance facing the opposite direction and execute a forearm guarding block.

18. Step forward with the right foot, rotating 180 deg counter clockwise into right back stance and execute a forearm guarding block.

19. Move the left foot, continuing to rotate counter clockwise 180 deg into right back stance and execute knife hand guarding block.

20. Move the left foot into horse riding stance while executing a right 9-shaped block.

21. Move the right foot rotating counter clockwise 270 deg into left forward stance facing your original direction and execute a left low section knife hand block.

22. Execute a right mid-section turning kick then lower the right foot to the floor in preparation for next move.

23. Perform a right jumping side kick landing on left leg.

24. Lower the right foot down into right forward stance and execute a twin high-section vertical punch.

25. Execute a high section double arc-hand block 45deg to your left whilst looking through the block.

26. Execute a left upset punch.

27. Turn about 180 deg counter clockwise into left forward stance while striking the left palm with the right elbow.

28. Jump forward into right X-stance executing twin forearm guarding block.

29. Move the left foot back and out 45 deg into horse riding stance executing a right scooping palm block.

30. Quickly execute a left mid-section punch.

31. Execute a front strike with the right back fist bringing left fist to right elbow.

32. Move the left foot, rotating anti-clockwise 135 deg into left forward stance and execute a right high section reverse knife hand strike.

33. Execute a right mid-section turning kick.

34. Rotate the left foot as you bring the right foot down into left forward stance facing the opposite direction and execute a high section twin vertical punch.

35. Move the left foot into right back stance and execute a right reverse single knuckle upset punch with the left fist at the right shoulder.

36. Move the right foot forwards into horse riding stance facing your left executing a left 9-shaped block.

37. Execute a low section inner knife hand guarding block to the left with both palms up.

38. Execute a low section knife hand guarding block to the right with left palm up, right palm down.

39. Raise the left foot and rotate 180 deg clockwise, stamping into horse riding stance whilst executing a W-shaped block.

40. Raise the left foot and rotate 180 deg clockwise, stamping into horse riding stance whilst executing a W-shaped block.

41. Turn left 90 deg, stepping the right foot forward into right forward stance and execute a right high section block.

42. Execute a left reverse mid-section punch.

43. Move the right foot then left foot, turning left 180 deg, into left forward stance and execute a left high section block.

44. Execute a right reverse mid-section punch.

Conclude Pattern Gae-Baek by bringing rear foot forward to ready stance

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