RheeTKD Victoria

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After a few months basic training and being examined by Master Rhee, a student will move on to learning Chon-Ji, the first pattern, at 9th Kup, yellow stripe.

Pattern: Chon-Ji Hyong – 19 Movements


Chon Ji lake on Paektu Mountain

Chon-Ji means “Heaven and Earth”, represented in this pattern by its two halves, one representing “Heaven” and the other “Earth”. Chon-Ji is named after a volcanic lake (Caldera) atop Paektu Mountain on the border between North Korea and China. Heaven and Earth are also represented in the Korean Flag by the central red and blue disc, with Red representing Heaven and the Blue, Earth. Dan-Gun, the legendary founder of Korea is said to have lived by this Heaven Lake and thus is considered the birthplace of the Korean Nation. This is why Chon-Ji is the first of our patterns.

19 Movements

1. Move the left foot, turning 90˚ to the left into left forward stance and execute a low section block.

2. Step forward into right forward stance and execute a right mid-section punch.

3. Move the right foot clockwise 180˚ into right forward stance and execute a right low section block.

4. Next, step forward into left forward stance and execute a left mid-section punch. 

5. Move the left foot, turning 90˚ to the left into left forward stance and execute a low section block.

6. Step forward into right forward stance and execute a right mid-section punch.

7. Move the right foot clockwise 180˚ into right forward stance and execute a right low section block.

8. Then step forward into left forward stance and execute a left mid-section punch. 

9. Move the left foot, turning 90˚ to the left into left back stance and execute a left inner forearm block.

10. Step forward into right forward stance and execute a right mid-section punch.

11. Move the right foot clockwise 180˚ into right back stance and execute a right inner forearm block.

12. Step forward into left forward stance and execute a left mid-section punch. 

13. Move the left foot, turning 90˚ to the left into left back stance and execute a left inner forearm block.

14. Step forward into right forward stance and execute a right mid-section punch.

15. Move the right foot clockwise 180˚ into right back stance and execute a right inner forearm block.

16. Step forward into left forward stance and execute a left mid-section punch.

17. Continue to step forward into right forward stance and execute a right mid-section punch.

18. Step backward into left forward stance and execute a left mid-section punch.

19. Step backward into right forward stance and execute a right mid-section punch (Kyup). 

Finish: Bring the left foot forward into ready stance.

Here is just one possible application of the initial movements of Chon-Ji Hyong.

Although practising the movements of a pattern is important, so as to improve our technique, so too is the mental practising of possible applications of those movements in order to ‘program’ our body’s responses to possible attacks. 

Another possibility using the preparation, first and second movements for a defence against a wrist grab where simply striking the aggressor is not warranted.


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