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Admiral Yi Soon-Sin known as Choong-Moo

Choong-Moo was the name given of the great Admiral Yi Soon-Sin (born 1545) of the Yi Dynasty. He is reputed to have invented the first submersible battle ship in 1592 which was to become the precursor of the modern submarine. At the age of 31, after an initial failure due to a broken leg in the horse riding phase, Yi passed his first military exam and posted to the northern border to defend villages against the Manchu. He was recognised for his skills in tactics, strategy and leadership which led to jealousy on the part of some more senior officers.


In 1592 Japan tried to invade Korea but Yi Soon-Sin commanding a small fleet used new tactics to defeat the invading force and was subsequently made Admiral and Commander of the Three Provinces of King Seonjo. In the following decade, Admiral Yi used his fleets and unusual tactics to defeat invading forces on many occasions. He also wrote what of the attributes he considered a warrior should have including the 5 skills of – to be flexible without weakness; to be strong without arrogance; to be kind without vulnerability; to be trusting without naivety; and to have invincible courage. 

Chong Moo is the second pattern to be developed for the Chang-Hon set, with the help of Colonel Nam Tae Hi in 1955 

30 Movements

Choong Moo Ready position: Feet shoulder width in parallel stance.

1. Move the left foot into right back stance, executing a high twin knife hand guarding block.

2. Step forward into right forward stance and execute a left high section knife hand block simultaneously with a right high section knife hand strike.

3. Move the right foot, turning 180 degrees clockwise into left back stance and execute a twin knife hand guarding block.

4. Step forward with the left foot into left forward stance and execute a left high section spearhand thrust.

5. Move the left foot 90 degrees left into right back stance and execute twin knife hand guarding block.

6. Shift weight onto left foot and raise the right foot whilst performing a forearm guarding block to the rear.

7. Execute a right thrusting side kick.

8. Lower the right foot into right back stance and execute a twin knife hand guarding block to the front.

9. Perform a right flying side kick, landing into left back stance and execute a twin knife hand guarding block.

10. Move the left foot, rotating  counter-clockwise 90 degrees into right back stance and execute a left low section block.

11. Extend both hands to grab opponent’s head/neck while forming a left forward stance.

12. Pull both hands down as you strike upwards with the right knee.

13. Lower the right foot to the left foot then move the left foot into left forward stance whilst also turning 180 deg counter-clockwise. Bring the left hand downward across the body whilst simultaneously executing a high section right reverse knife hand strike. The left hand finishes under the right upper arm.

14. Execute a right high section turning kick, then lower it alongside the left foot.

15. Execute a left mid section back kick.

16. Lower the left foot next to the right foot, rotate clockwise 180 degrees and step forward into left back stance executing a twin forearm guarding block.

17. Next, execute a left mid section turning kick 45 degrees to the left of your front.

18. Lower the left foot alongside the right foot and step the right foot forward into left back stance whilst turning 90 degrees clockwise and execute a double U-shaped block.

19. Jump and turn counter-clockwise 360 degrees landing into left back stance while executing a twin knife hand guarding block.

20.  Move the left foot forward into left forward stance executing a right reverse lower section speadhand strike. Simultaneously the left fist comes to the right shoulder.

21. Slide back slightly into right back stance and execute a right high section backfist strike to the rear whilst also performing a left lower section block to the front.

22. Step forward into right forward stance and execute a right mid section spearhand thrust with a vertical hand.

23. Pivot on the right foot and turn counter-clockwise 90 degrees into left forward stance, executing a high section double forearm block.

24. Move the right foot forward into horse riding stance, turning 90 degree counter-clockwise and execute a right mid section inner forearm block followed by a right high section backlist strike to your right side.

25. Look left, then execute a right mid section side kick to your left.

26. Moving forward, execute a left side kick.

27. Lower the left foot along side the right, turning 180 degrees clockwise then step the right foot forward into left back stance executing a mid section twin knife hand X-block.

28. Step forward into left forward stance and execute a twin mid section rising palm strike.

29. Turn 180 degrees clockwise into right forward stance and execute a right high section forearm block.

30. Execute a high section reverse punch with the left fist. (Kyup)

Conclude Choong Moo by bringing the left foot to the right into junbi stance. 

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