RheeTKD Victoria


Warragul Uniting Church Hall
210 Sutton St
Warragul 3820


Wednesday 6:00pm – 8:00pm

Last training night for 2024: 18th December

First training night for 2025: 8th January

Note: No training on Public Holidays


Dale Bertoli (2nd Dan) Profile


Email: warragul@rheetkdvic.com.au
Phone: 0458 798 925

Instructor Profile

Like many Rhee students, Dale started training as an adult and thus has had to organise his time in order to move through the ranks and become an instructor, now teaching self defence in Warragul. 


The sheer joy of movement is I find, in all its forms, addictive. Rhee Taekwon Do offers an opportunity and purpose to pursue that joy well into senior years. Rhee’s emphasis on personal development without the pressure and expense of competitions or the health risk of full contact combat sport is conducive to its life long study.


Learning, understanding, applying and perhaps one day mastering the many techniques of Taekwon Do is both a group and personal experience. Whether from our Instructors in class or from contemplative private practice at home, the realisation eventually comes that the journey to black belt equips us with enough knowledge to understand we have only begun to learn …and train.


So come and train with Dale, improve your fitness and health, and learn some self defence in Warragul.

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